Nature Happenings
Great Backyard Bird Count, mid-month,
Project FeederWatch continues,
February is National Bird Feeding Month
Peak of squirrel mating season.
Great Horned Owls are incubating their eggs.
A few Sandhill Cranes can be seen migrating north in late February.
Red Fox, raccoon, woodchuck, beaver, skunk, opossum and rabbit mating seasons.
Bluebird and other nest boxes need to be cleaned out this month.
Bald Eagles begin nesting behavior.
Red-winged Blackbirds, Killdeer and Great Blue Herons return in southern areas.
Look for early waterfowl migrants such as Bufflehead, Common Goldeneyes and Redheads as lakes thaw.
Chipmunks reappear at feeders as temperatures rise.
Squirrel getting treats from Squirrel Peanut feeder!
Eastern Bluebird using a WBU Bluebird house!
Nesting Bald Eagle
Bufflehead Duck Common Goldeneye Duck
Redhead Ducks