Nature Happenings

  • Great Backyard Bird Count, mid-month,

  • Project FeederWatch continues,

  • February is National Bird Feeding Month

  • Peak of squirrel mating season.

  • Great Horned Owls are incubating their eggs.

  • A few Sandhill Cranes can be seen migrating north in late February.

  • Red Fox, raccoon, woodchuck, beaver, skunk, opossum and rabbit mating seasons.

  • Bluebird and other nest boxes need to be cleaned out this month.

  • Bald Eagles begin nesting behavior.

  • Red-winged Blackbirds, Killdeer and Great Blue Herons return in southern areas.

  • Look for early waterfowl migrants such as Bufflehead, Common Goldeneyes and Redheads as lakes thaw.

  • Chipmunks reappear at feeders as temperatures rise.

 Squirrel getting treats from Squirrel Peanut feeder!

 Eastern Bluebird using a WBU Bluebird house!

 Nesting Bald Eagle


Bufflehead Duck                                                                                                    Common Goldeneye Duck

 Redhead Ducks